More than $13,000 was awarded during the final competitive grant cycle of the 2021-22 school year.
Funding comes from four funds within the AEF: Appleton Education Foundation Endowment Fund, Gruner Family Community Mental Wellnes Fund, Vira and Alan Stoner Education Fund, Jeanne Klatt Stilp Memorial Endowment Fund, and a donor pass-thru contribution.
James Madison Middle School
$3,000 to create a dedicated, supervised space in the LMC to support students’ social-emotional needs throughout the school day.
$3,000 to support Paint The City. Paint The City is a project aimed at uplifting youth through meaningful connection, place making, and positive mentorship. Artist Irineo Medina will create a 110 foot mural with Appleton high school students.
$1,000 to support Traveling Trunks of Time – hands-on items that students can touch, investigate, and learn from as they delve into history. These trunks will be shared among all 8th grade US History classes.
Appleton North High School
$1,500 for the Latinx Club to work with artist Irineo Medina to create a mural near the commons.
Kaleidoscope Academy
$500 for supplies and instruction to introduce students to the library media center.
$907.66 to support the purchase of an electric piano. The piano will be used with multiple music groups, including the soon-to-be-launched Mariachi ensemble in 2022-23.
$100 to create an outdoor reading space.
Janet Berry Elementary School
$3,000 to purchase Specdrums and the equipment to operate the program to support inclusive learning for all students.
Wilson Middle School
$500 for headphones for EL students.
Watch for an announcement this summer for 2022-23 grant information!