1. Who supports the Appleton Education Foundation (AEF) and how?
  2. What is AEF’s relationship with the Appleton Area School District (AASD)?
  3. Who has benefited from AEF grants?
  4. Who can apply for a Foundation grant?
  5. Who decides which projects to fund?
  6. What accountability is there for Foundation funds?
  7. How are the Foundation’s directors chosen?
  8. Does the Foundation compete with the PTAs, booster clubs and other groups for community financial support?
  9. What is AEF’s relationship with the local Community Foundation?

Who supports the Appleton Education Foundation (AEF) and how?

Hundreds of community members, including parents, grandparents, businesses, alumni, and educators give of their financial resources to support the Foundation through annual gifts, tribute gifts, one-time contributions, payroll deduction, and estate plans.

What is AEF’s relationship with the Appleton Area School District (AASD)?

While we coordinate our efforts with the school district, we are an independent charitable organization. Only 25% of the voting members of the AEF board can be AASD employees or members of its board of education. The AASD superintendent, Board of Education president, and the Appleton Education Association president serve AEF as ex-officio, nonvoting members.

Who has benefited from AEF grants?

Hundreds of educators have received grants from the AEF and at least one grant has been awarded to every school in the district (including charter and magnet schools). These grants have involved thousands of students, parents and community members. AEF has also awarded Appleton-based nonprofit organizations serving AASD youth.

Who can apply for a Foundation grant?

Any educator employed by the AASD or any community member or student in partnership with an educator is eligible to apply for a grant. AEF also entertains applications from Appleton-based nonprofits serving area youth.

Who decides which projects to fund?

The AEF board votes on recommendations made by its grants committee and donor advisors. Area residents who promote education and represent varied constituencies make up this board.

What accountability is there for Foundation funds?

The Foundation is recognized under state and federal law as a 501 (c) 3 charitable, tax-exempt organization. The Board of Directors carefully oversees donations and grants to be the best possible stewards of Foundation resources. The Foundation’s assets are audited as part of the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region’s assets by CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, Appleton. These financial records are open to public review.

How are the Foundation’s directors chosen?

The initial board was selected by an ad hoc steering committee from a long list of community leaders interested in public education. The board members represent varied constituencies throughout the Appleton community. The majority of board members are appointed by the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region; the remaining are elected by the AEF board itself. Three members may serve as ex-officio, nonvoting members of the board: the president of the AASD Board of Education, the AASD Superintendent of Schools, and the president of the Appleton Education Association.

Does the Foundation compete with the PTA/Os, booster clubs, and other groups for community financial support?

No. Such groups have valid but limited purposes within the public schools and solicit – from specific patrons and parents – support for limited and special projects. The Foundation seeks support from those interested in the broader application of public education, in order to benefit students across the AASD.

What is AEF’s relationship with the local Community Foundation?

The AEF is a Supporting Organization of the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region. This affiliation allows the AEF to benefit from professional investment management and significant tax and IRS reporting advantages due to the Community Foundation’s status as a public charity. At the same time, AEF retains its unique identity, distinct purpose, and has its own Board of Directors to award grants and build assets.